Friday, July 30, 2010


I have been nominated treasurer of the Allred Cabin Fever project. So I will be contacting each family member with some questions about finances, etc. When answering these questions please know that your answers will not be shared w/anyone else. Once everyone has answered I will give a grand total, so you will know your portion and a total. The purpose of this survey is to determine the actual financial feasibility of doing this and starting somewhat quickly so we can start enjoying our new family cabin. Realistically, we will probably need to find a building lot that offers some sort of seller financing, so we will have a down payment and a monthly payment as well as building costs. Before we start, however, there will also need to be some rules guidelines discussed and agreed upon by the entire group. Above all else, I think we can all agree we don't want this to bring up ANY ill feelings between anybody. Some of the things in mind that I am talking about are equity splits in the event the property is sold, scheduling of the cabin, value of labor/skills/etc as a contribution instead of money. Please assume that these questions will be answered and resolved to everyone's agreement. Please also assume that we will actually get this done and you will have use of a cabin. I know I was originally thinking, sweet a family cabin, this will be fun even though it will never go anywhere. But once I started thinking that it might actually go somewhere I was taking it a bit more serious and thinking that I would definitely be willing to contribute to make this happen. Also, if you don't feel you can contribute anything at this time, it doesn't mean you are not allowed at the cabin. This is a family use cabin. It will mean if any proceeds or equity or rental income is had, that you won't get a portion of that. You may also be able to contribute later, or contribute items. Here is a list of questions: Please discuss these w/your spouse and be ready to answer them in the next couple of days.

1. How much, if anything, can you contribute up front as a lump sum? Min & Max. Think of this as, well we could easily do $X, possibly $XX. We don't want anyone to feel stretched by this by any means. But the more we can get committed the more likely that this will actually take place.
2. How much, if anything, can you contribute on a consistent monthly basis? Min & Max again
3. How many hours can you commit to actual physical labor per month, as a family? This is for actual building, site prep, etc.
4. What equipment might you have access to for free/reduced rate that could possibly be used in construction?

1 comment:

Brandon said...

Thanks Ryan. I think discussions like this are important to have upfront. And it definitely moves the project along.